damage assessment drone photo

504DI, LLC | New Orleans, LA



Accessing certain sites from the air can be more responsible from an environmental and human risk perspective. Drones for insurance inspections can reduce risks associated with inspecting severely damaged areas, contaminated sites, and hard-to-access premises.

The main input of drones in insurance is in enabling enhanced inspection on-site, which is secure, quick, and cost-effective simultaneously.

The top 3 tangible benefits of Drones in Insurance are:

Risk management: By making an aerial assessment, drones show risk areas, so insurers can react quickly and take measures on the earliest damage stages. This saves money and enables better management of resources.

Natural disaster monitoring: In crises, drones can get into the most dangerous areas and collect the necessary data humans cannot reach. Also, drones serve in protecting locals from possible threats by identifying their tentative signs in advance. This also saves money, since fewer adjusters are needed to monitor the area.

Claims adjudication: Drones are effective in tracking and improving claims, especially in the dimension of workers’ compensation. By entering dangerous areas alone, drones protect humans from harm.

Drone in the Insurance Industry - New Orleans, LA
Drone in the Insurance Industry - New Orleans, LA

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